College of Business and Technology Students Appreciate the Challenge of Dr. Seshadri’s Classes

Posted: April 9, 2024 12:00:00 AM CDT

There’s a difference between teaching students and simply teaching the content. At the University of Nebraska at Kearney, Dr. Sri Seshadri has been teaching students since 1993. 凭借十多年来在各种工程岗位上积累的专业知识, 多年来,由于他对学习的渴望,他给课堂带来了丰富的知识. 除了他的许多研究,在同行评议的期刊,如 Small Business Institute Journal, Journal of Global Marketing, Nonprofit Management and Leadership, Business Communication Quarterly, and Teaching Business Ethics, Seshadri总是愿意指导教师和学生,因为他们开始自己的研究.

Dr. Seshadri in West Center

As someone who understands that learning is a lifelong process, 他的教学风格让学生在找到自己问题的答案时可以自由思考. 他承认,作为一名“来自工程专业”的专业人士,在某些情况下,只有一个正确的答案. However, now that he’s teaching business and strategy, 他意识到,“你是在和人打交道,不可能”完美地预测他们的行为. For this reason, 他确保将人性放在课堂教学内容的首位.

Seshadri认识到,我们生活在“一种学生都在寻找正确答案的文化中”. 他花时间与学生建立关系,并与他们分享“你们的答案完全不必与我的一致。. 他想让他们看到他“想知道(他们)是如何得到答案的,这样他就能理解他们的思维过程。. 然后,他能够纠正他们的错误,而不会牺牲批判性思维的严谨性。他知道,他的学生不仅需要作为商业专业人士,也需要作为社会成员.

He demands a lot from his students. He fondly remembers a student who expressed to him how, at times, she worried whether she would pass his class. At the end of the semester, 当她写到他时,她给了他最好的赞美:“他会让你下沉,但他永远不会让你淹死。. 他在课堂上设计具有挑战性的活动,以确保他的学生充分参与内容, have opportunities to think about their own thinking as they work with others, and participate in such a way that will prepare them for their future professions.

Dr.Seshadri helping student

他在销售管理课程中使用了一个模拟游戏,这是一个锻炼和增强学生能力的活动. During the final four weeks of the semester, Seshadri创造了一个场景,他的学生是决定区域的销售经理, forecast sales, hire and fire salespeople, decide on salary and commission, and do everything they would be required to do in the real world. 他将这款游戏描述为“竞争非常激烈”,并表示他“基于排名给游戏打分”.

即使前三名是唯一能得A的,后三名只能得B+, he shares that “nobody gets less than a C because he appreciates that, by playing the game, all of his students are learning. 正是这种同情心代表了他希望教给学生更多的东西而不是内容. 他还希望确保他们了解如何最好地利用可用的资源,以及如何真正磨练软技能,并不是每个专业人士都拥有.

他“多年来发现”,学生们要么不知道如何做研究,要么不知道如何利用bet36365体育提供给他们的资源. He spends time during class showing them how to find and correctly use these resDr.Seshadri speaking in the classroomources. He describes himself as “one of those guys who “jumps in when it comes to technology, so he understands his students need to be open to taking risks. However, 通过教他们如何正确使用数据库,他确保向他们解释他们在网上找到的东西的可信度. 他从来不想阻止人们使用科技,因为他知道“有了科技”, if you don’t jump in right now it becomes obsolete. As their professor, 他还确保他的学生明白,在使用技术时,他们需要具备批判性思维技能.

In addition to his passion for technology, Seshadri is a voracious traveler. Having visited 26 countries to date, 他利用这种兴趣让他的学生对他们在课堂上学习的内容有更广泛的了解. In addition to sharing products he has brought back from his travels, 他利用他在国际上建立的联系,让他的学生有机会不仅练习他们在课堂上学到的东西,而且练习他知道他们在未来的职业生涯中需要的强大的软技能.

In both his Marketing Research class and International Marketing class, his travels provide unique opportunities for his students. 不管他找到的客户是保加利亚的政党成员,还是班戈一家制药公司的客户, India, 让他的学生以现实的方式制定营销计划,有助于他们了解在与他人合作时成功所需的广泛技能. 他分享了一名学生如何找到他,介绍一位印度客户,这位客户与他讨论了一个“计划”. 这名学生一直担心客户的可信度,直到塞沙德里解释了原因, in India, the word “scheme doesn’t have the same negative connotation as it does in America. This type of decoding is just one example where, through his understanding of communication, 他能够与学生们分享比他们从有限的课本中学到的更多的东西.

For Seshadri, teaching is about more than content. 在过去的三十年里,他在教室里度过了很多变化. One thing that hasn’t changed, and never will, is the need to keep humanity at the front of the class. 他允许他的学生选择他们感兴趣的行业,让他们完全投入到他教授的概念中. He lends his expertise freely when a student needs help with research. 他敏锐地意识到,他的学生需要从他身上学到比营销更多的东西,并确保开设课程,培养他们对学习的内在热爱,这是他们离开课堂很久之后继续接受教育所需要的.

Dr.Seshadri working in his office

Students who enter the door, whether on campus or virtually, of one of Seshadri’s classes can expect to be challenged. 当他们在学期末离开时,他们带走的不仅仅是知识. 他们作为他的学生的经历将包括他在他们身上点燃的学习火花. He admits he learns as much from them as they do from him. This type of win-win attitude is one of many reasons Dr. Sri Seshadri是bet36365体育投注自豪地称之为自己的教授之一.

By: Sandy Brannan

Category: Business and Technology, General

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